Kazoo Taps

I closed out a bunch of work orders today. I could have probably been more efficient with it, but I felt good about what I closed. I still need to stop procrastinating though.

Summer wanted something hot for lunch instead of her salad, so we went to the cafeteria together and she got a salad. I got mostly chili and nacho meat sauce on top of some salad stuff. It was pretty good, but I ate too much.

I had to end back up at the junior high to pick Autumn up after school, but I made her wait in my office while I moved a huge A/V rack out of the cafeteria by myself. I almost dropped it and died once, but fortunately I made it back to my office without incident. Then she conned me into taking her to McDonald’s for some french fries for a snack before she had to go to quiz bowl. Summer picked her up, and I spent the rest of the evening bouncing around the house.

Jessica’s fish finally died and was stiff as a board by the time I found him, so I played Taps on my kazoo while I flushed him down the toilet. I’m just glad it’s finally over, because he really did look like he was having an awful time, and I just couldn’t get his condition to improve.

This drain leads to the big ocean in the sky.

Office Folk

I’ve spent more time with the junior high office in the past week than the rest of my time there put together, and it’s nice to get to know them a bit better. I closed some more old work orders and made some decent progress on some others. Once I get the CTE audit out of the way, I’ll be able to wrap up the rest of what I’ve got pretty easily.

Zach wanted to go out to lunch today and was quick to suggest Brangus, so I actually took a lunch on time today. After work, I came straight home to do some laundry and clean up a bit before playing a couple rounds of Overwatch with Keno. Tomorrow should be an interesting group day, but I hope I have some time to wrap up more of my CTE stuff.

I think we should fail it on purpose just so they have to produce some actual guidelines!

Cascading Closures

I got on a bit of a roll today in spite of testing taking up a good portion of my morning. I felt a little lost, but just kept pushing through closing work orders, and finally got to close a few that were stacked with multiple requests. I finally feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I grabbed lunch on the way between campuses and got cheese sticks and a drink from Sonic, then a salad and chili at Wendy’s, all for around four bucks.

Once I wrapped up at work, Autumn came to find me and we went back to my house so I could tend to the fish and fill the bike up with gas before taking her home. Summer made her pork chops again, and doubled up on carbs to make up for the last time. Everyone seemed to really like it, which is rare with the kids. Then we played a game of Uno before I headed home for the night.

Now if only I could get to a zero-inbox.


I spent all morning at Oakland trying to make use of myself while waiting for something to break during testing. I had two laptops that I failed to recognize were too far out of date to receive software updates, but otherwise everything went perfectly. When lunch time came around, I ran to KFC to get some coleslaw for Ryan’s goodbye potluck.

After we ate, I ran back to Oakland to make sure afternoon testing got off to a good start, then spent the rest of the afternoon at the junior high trying to catch up. I’ve got to get these work orders closed for the audit that’s coming, and I just hope I have enough materials to hide all the wires. It’s such a pain to come along and clean this up when it really should have been done cleanly in the first place.

Josh wanted to play some video games at 7 with Johnny and me, so I went straight home after work and started some laundry to finish by the time they got on. Summer stopped by for just a minute while I was in the laundry room and scared the water out of me. Then Josh was late getting on, so Johnny and I played some Overwatch first, and then Johnny left, so Josh and I played some Rocket League until bedtime.

I want your laptop, but leave all your hacker stuff on it.

Little Sleazers

I got a whole dozen 23 inch monitors in for the junior high today. They’ve been asking for a status update since school started, but now that I have them, I don’t have all the necessary cables, and the cables they did order were just thrown into the surplus/junk pile. I wish they’d ask me about stuff like that so we could reduce waste. Now I’ll have to go back again to finish the setup, and the stands they got are probably too big for their desks. The whole thing is laughable.

Ben called me in the middle of it and said I needed to check Chromebooks at Oakland to make sure testing tomorrow will be successful, but then texted later and said it should be fine, so that was a bit of a relief. I still didn’t get as much done as I wanted though, since I spent all morning on monitor stands. I went from nearly 40 work orders back down to 30 again. I even stayed late to wrap up a couple things. So much of what I have open is just time consuming, and I’m nearing the deadline for my time sensitive stuff for the audit.

After work, I ordered some Little Caesars through their updated app, which provided an above-average experience. Walking into the restaurant was another story though. It seemed there were a bunch of grouchy people there complaining about how long they had been there. It took me a bit to get to the head of the line, but once I did, my pizzas were fresh and ready when they were supposed to be. The app wins again.

I headed up to Summer’s and the girls and I ate while it was fresh, and Summer arrived from the gym about halfway through my plate. We ate and watched Criminal Minds until the girls had to shower, then I came home to set up my hospital tank for the betta. He’s still breathing, but that’s about it. I’ve got to get him to eat somehow.

I pay my personal property taxes late so I can collect interest and then use that interest to pay part of the credit card processing fee that I pay so that I don’t have to go to the stupid courthouse because organized society is stupid.

G.C. Phone Home

I spent all morning working on switching a single handset to a new Avaya model. The instructions were straight forward and overly simple, but that seems to be the only way to get others to follow them. Jason emailed me for status on several of my work orders that already had notes on them. I got a little upset, but mostly talked myself down from that just because I know I’ve had over 30 work orders since school started, while everyone else is down to almost nothing.

Sonic was doing 50 cent corn dogs, so I grabbed lunch there and ran into Keith at the drive-through. He got out and chatted with me for a bit, and then I was off to the shop to meet Ryan for some help with a couple issues I had with the phone swap in the morning. We got it halfway figured out, but he or I will have to talk to Ben about the other half later.

When quitting time finally came around, Summer left Eaddie with me, and we went home to clean the bike up before dark. We started by riding a quick loop around town before stopping at the car wash. Once I got my chain cleaned and lubed up, we went to Wendy’s so I could get a half salad for dinner, and I got Eaddie some fries to dip in a Frosty. She loved riding the bike so much, but we had to get home for the evening.

On the way back and still hungry, I picked up a couple spicy chicken sandwiches from Wendy’s after Hardee’s told me all of their chicken strips were frozen. I’m still not sure if that was just a polite way of telling me she wasn’t going to make them for me, or if they actually batter them in the store and can’t make them unless they’re thawed out. After eating, Summer and I went to the junior high to pick up Autumn, and somehow we made it back out in record time. Even more surprisingly, everyone settled into bed pretty quickly once we got back home. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day for a ride.

Wait… which one is farther?

Smokey Smoke Chickie Chick

One of the school board members set up in front of the building to cook lunch for the staff today, so after bouncing from Oakland to the junior high, I ended up back at Oakland for lunch. Then I wasted most of the afternoon fighting with a couple of iPads and Jamf, which wasn’t fun or educational.

After work, I went home for a while before heading to Summer’s for the evening. It’s starting to get way colder at night, and I find myself wishing again that it didn’t happen so quickly.

Mount St. Helens is about to blow up, and it’s gonna be a fine, swell day.

Always Be Closing

I finally got Oakland’s sign completely functional this morning. It probably took me better than a full day’s worth of time to get it going, but it felt good to figure it out by myself, and I learned stuff in the process.

Dale and I met for a Taco Tuesday lunch, and then I ran home to get my new Sticker Mule custom stickers. They didn’t quite live up to the quality that I was expecting because the edges were clearly cut on a vinyl printer/cutter, but I assumed they weren’t truly die-cut from the beginning anyway. They were cheap, and it was neat to see the process. It really makes me want to tool up and buy an industrial plotter myself, but I know it would end up just being a bunch of dickbutts in the end, and I’d be out the money without any real desire to be an Etsy entrepreneur.

I rode back to the junior high and spent the afternoon closing miscellaneous work orders, finally trying to make some headway on the 30 I’ve been floating all year. I’ve got more bigger projects that I need to complete as well without work orders, but I’ll just have to figure out how to juggle it all.

After work, I went home for a while until it was time to pick the girls up from karate, and then we went to their house for the evening. Summer grilled some awesome pork chops along with a fresh cucumber avocado salad that we ate with chips.

It’s hard trying to become a sticker person.

One Man’s Job is Another Man’s Work

I finally received the replacement sign computer for Oakland today from Vantage LED. Right out of the box, the standard power cable was completely dead. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen a dead one before, yet somehow I wasn’t surprised to find one from them. The computer wasn’t set up for our specifications, and they told me it wouldn’t keep a configuration unless it could verify functionality first, which means I’ll have to plug it into the sign and run another monitor out there to use as a display to change the settings before plugging it into the sign. It’s the most janky setup I can imagine, and the invoice listed the device at $2,000. The video cable was invoiced at $75. Total bullshit.

I eventually made my way through McDonald’s and Wendy’s for a drive-through mix-n-match lunch, then got a few things done at the junior high. Then Jason called and wanted me to help Allen run a USB extender across a room. Evidently he was too busy, and me with over twice as many work orders as the next highest tech made the most sense. I didn’t mind the work, but the logic there just makes me shake my head.

After work, I came home and made some popcorn with the new popping oil we got at Sam’s. It was pretty good, but it’s still missing that buttery goodness I’m looking for. Once the girls got home, I ran through Chick-fil-A and Wendy’s for another mix-n-match cheapo dinner, filled up on some gas, and went to visit with them before bed. Team Lift first thing in the morning.

The internet made me this way.

They See Me Enrollin’

Gary and I spent all morning enrolling Chromebooks for CBI classrooms. Then after an overpriced lunch at CJ’s, Amanda and I delivered most of them to the junior high. Zach joined us to install a touch panel at Sequoyah, and that pretty much made the work day. I pulled some more scrap out of the auditorium, but all the good stuff has really already been scrapped, and it still upsets me. I guess I just should have asked sooner.

I went home for a while after work to clean up, and then picked Eaddie up from an after school event. Summer made a big spaghetti dinner in preparation for her Conquer the Gauntlet run tomorrow. Autumn wasn’t having any of it, so some words had to be said. I’m nervous about getting everyone up and around in the morning, particularly because it didn’t seem like anyone showered before bed. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

Go to sleep doo doo doo doo doo doo.