First and Last

This morning was productive for me. Gary babysat me while I played around in some of our network switches, and I think most of what I was doing stuck with me. At least I should have log files if I get lost in the future.

After work, I went to my parents’ house for lunch. Dad had taken Mom some food for her lunch break and got back home just after I finished my taco salad. I got my Walkera Runner 250 spinning, but it was too cold to be outside flying. I managed to call a cat from across the yard while I was inside the dining room, impressive to the point that I felt like maybe I’ve missed a personal calling somewhere. Nowhere useful, but a calling nonetheless.

From there, I went to Summer’s and crushed them in a flip-floppy game of Monopoly. We picked up some Whatta-Burger for dinner, then I finished the evening dead last in a game of Sorry. Bác Vân called and offered eggrolls, so I took some to share with Becky, then came home for some PUBG with Josh, Clint, and Aaron. I even contributed.

Blog(config)#write memory

Soul Crusher

I woke up early this afternoon super hungry, so I went to my parents’ house to find some leftovers. I had forgotten they had to go back to work today, but Julie and Andy were there with a surprise replacement of the garage overhead lights. I stuffed a couple rolls with ham and turkey down my gullet, then came back home to play some Overwatch and shower.

Once my parents got home from work, I went and had dinner, then went to Summer’s to play a game of Monopoly. Nothing makes me happier than extinguishing that tiny glimmering light of hope in someone’s eyes as they make their way around the gauntlet. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as maniacally as Summer though, as she left us all cold and desperate in the wake of her Trumpian victory.

Now the trick is to fall asleep as quickly as possible so I can go to work in the morning.

Burger? I hardly know ‘er!

I spent most of the morning earning winter loot boxes in Overwatch. Around 11 o’clock, Mom asked if anyone was awake and said she was preparing chow mein, so I gave her three hours before heading over there to eat. She was still preparing it, and at that point I still needed to take a shower and wasn’t in the mood to wait, so I left.

After my shower, I found myself in a mood, but Summer invited me over to grill burgers. We ate, played some Bingo, then watched The Rocketeer. One more day, then it’s back to work for a couple half days.

Oh, slow down. I think this shit is killing your brain.

What are Traditions: Christmas 2017

Why post a portrait when you already got everyone’s best sides?

After just a few hours of sleep, I managed to get up early enough for Summer to come over and watch my Christmas movie, Gremlins with me. When lunch was ready, she left and I headed to my parents’ house to meet up with family.

Julie wanted to take us all to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi in the evening, so I invited everyone over to watch The Force Awakens to refresh ourselves on the new storyline. Julie and Andy left almost immediately because my cats tried to murder her immune system, but my parents and I finished the movie.

I killed the rest of the evening time waiting to go to the movie, then met everyone at the theater. I thought the movie was pretty entertaining, but the plot did feel a bit contrived. Overall, I guess it did its job of passing the baton. Someone in charge definitely made an attempt to follow the recent trend of making serious movies funnier. It didn’t completely fit with tradition, but it got some cheap laughs.

It’s all a machine, partner. Live free: don’t join.

What are Traditions: Magic Club Potluck 2017

I got up this morning after a late night of sneaky Photoshopping to the blog with plenty of time to get ready to leave for the Magic Club Christmas meeting. It’s late enough in the year now that I think we can accept a little bit of festivity.

We were pretty late leaving my parents’ house, because why wouldn’t we be? I brought my HTC 10 along for the ride to try and compare service. Overall it seemed about the same, but I didn’t spend all day with my face in my phones either. Surprisingly my data at the Riverfront Park was actually a bit faster on straight Sprint. I probably should have gotten an app to monitor what towers I was hitting before we left.

I felt a little removed for most of the meeting. It’s grown quite a lot over the years. This year they had a string quartet while we ate. There were enough other people there for setup and teardown that I didn’t really do anything. The show was almost entirely for the kids, and I don’t think anybody really talked to me at all except to say hello.

We hit up some Oriental grocery stores on the way out of town, and I picked up some shrimp and cuttlefish chips and some dried squid. My snack game has been off lately, which I suppose is good. Once home, I did a load of laundry to cap the weekend.

Please enjoy this “tastiness.”

What are Traditions: Thanksgiving 2017

I woke up super late today with a massive headache after a long night. I didn’t actually get out of bed until the afternoon. I wasn’t really clear on what day the family would be cooking for Thanksgiving, so when Mom texted that food was ready, I still had to get out of bed and shower.

I guess Julie’s still in Florida, so it was just us with Bác Vân and Doug, and Dad invited a college friend. I showed up just as everyone else was finishing up their food, then left after all the guests were gone.

I guess I’m doing some things tomorrow, so I can forgive today being worthless.

Even though I really should, I knew that I never would.

Keystone of Justice

I slept beautifully last night after running on little sleep for the past couple days worth of conferences. It was all downhill from there.

I received a juror qualification questionnaire in the mail. This never would have happened had I not registered to vote after this past election. If I’m honest with myself, I still probably won’t even exercise that right if the time comes. I sort of assume North Korea will assimilate us before that happens. People seem to forget that Samsung is a Korean company. They think North Korea won’t stand a chance against us, when half the population carries a Samsung mobile phone with all of their personal information and an always-listening microphone. They never saw that one coming.

My Uncle Giao and Aunt Teresa came to town and wanted to visit. Their timing didn’t work out for lunch, so they wanted me to meet them at my parents’ house for dinner. I played a few rounds of Overwatch while I waited.

It was too cloudy to catch the Orionids, because why wouldn’t it be?

Maybe tomorrow will go according to plan.