Don’t go in the pimped out fridge, Jack…

Summer and Autumn went to the high school for a quiz bowl tournament today. I slept in until I heard Eaddie moving around, then got up and made some rice with eggs and Rotel for breakfast. We pretty much sat around and watched Arrow all day until the others got home. Then Summer went to the gym for a workout and returned with a bucket of chicken for dinner. We watched Race to Witch Mountain, then went to bed.

It was the Buddha. He was unavailable.

Dinner and a Shower

The girls went home this morning to clean house while I sat around the house with my head cold. Summer brought some potatoes back for me to bake for dinner, and once they were finished, I went to pick them all up and head to my parents’ house. We went for a swim until the charcoal was hot enough to start cooking, and I grilled some steaks, hot dogs, and Polish sausage. I thought that was it, so I jumped back into the pool, but then Mom brought some squash and shrimp out to grill too.

We decided to eat outside, so Mom brought everything out to set the table, and then we had to battle the flies. It would have been much easier to build our plates inside. We mostly finished without incident though, and fortunately everyone had just finished eating by the time we got a little shower of rain. It didn’t rain too long, but everyone was ready to come inside for dessert anyway.

When we got back home, we watched Tag to much delight, then went to bed.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.

Every being in the universe knows right from wrong, Mark.

I’ve been struggling with my head cold all day. I didn’t want to sleep in too late, but I wasn’t much use either way. Summer went home to try and mow, but had trouble with her mower. The most I could do was muster enough energy to take a shower in the late afternoon before going to my parents’ house.

When Summer finally got back with the girls, we all loaded up and went to visit my parents for dinner. Autumn, who turns her nose up at everything, had a couple ribs and some steamed rice while the rest of us had fish soup. I probably should have added some hot peppers to my soup to help with my congestion, but I just wasn’t up for the space tonight.

We stopped by Sonic on the way home for a couple drinks, and they seemed to have forgotten us for about 20 minutes, so I had to walk up into the building to see what was up. There, the kid told me their system had messed up and didn’t show that we had checked in yet, and I guess he didn’t bother to look and see. Back at home, we finished watching Mamma Mia, and then I put on K-PAX and watched it with Eaddie while everyone else went to sleep.

I wanna tell you something Mark, something you do not yet know, that we K-PAXians have been around long enough to have discovered. The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, then will expand again. It will repeat this process forever. What you don’t know is that when the universe expands again, everything will be as it is now. Whatever mistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass. Every mistake you make, you will live through again, and again, forever. So my advice to you is to get it right this time around. Because this time is all you have.

Infinity Cords

It took me five and a half hours to do what should have taken 20 minutes, and I have a lack of documentation to thank for it. I expected to be pulled for project work today, but nobody said a word to me. Instead, I spent all morning and some of the afternoon tending to an “emergency” issue with the intercom bells at the junior high being slightly offset from the red clocks in the halls. It should have been easy to find the switch port that had been locked due to a tripped port security setting, but instead of reading a label, I had to follow the line all the way from the intercom to the switch closet.

We took a brief break for lunch at Fat Daddy’s in London, but everyone was eager to get back to work for some reason. I just got stuck sitting on all of my work orders. I even thought for a brief moment I’d get to leave on time, but no such luck.

After being stopped in the hallway for another 30 minute job, I went to Summer’s and waited for her to get home. I warmed her up a leftover hamburger, then we came back to my house to watch Infinity Wars in glorious 3D. We even caught the end of Ragnarok to bring us up to speed with the refugee ship.


On Frugality

I tried not to sleep in too late today, and got up to clean the kitchen before Summer got up to cook breakfast. She made little ham, egg, and cheese pucks that tasted really good, but I think made better sense for a weekly meal prep. It’s super convenient to grab and go during the work week, but on a lazy weekend, for not much more work and an easier dish to clean, I’d rather have custom individually fried or scrambled eggs in a pan.

The girls wanted to watch the last bit of Split from the point Eaddie fell asleep, so we did that through breakfast/lunch until they wanted to go pick Noah up for his 16th birthday. I had fleeting moments of frustration with how wasteful the girls can be, or how they’re unnecessarily messy, or how they can’t seem to correctly put a single fucking lid back on any goddamn thing. It was nice to start and end with a clean kitchen though, so I guess I have their messiness to thank for that. This lid thing is seriously going to awaken the beast pretty soon, though.

After I got my shower, Noah’s pick for a birthday dinner was CiCi’s, so they all came back to pick me up. To contrast how money/waste conscious I am, I had us split into two groups to pay so we could double up on coupons. Everyone got their fill, and then I ran the circuit of dropping everyone off at home for the evening.

This is going to require everyone’s buy-in.


While Summer woke up early this morning to go to her 5K event at the high school, Eaddie and I slept in until nearly noon. When she got back, I got up and had a shower. She and Eaddie went to pick Autumn up, then I met up with them at their house for a late lunch.

The girls were going to spend most of the evening with their father, so Summer and I met up with Ronda and Steven at Fat Daddy’s for dinner and drinks. After that, Summer and I went to Davis Pet Store to pick up some feeder goldfish and mealworms for the turtles. Back at home, I had lost internet due to an outage in the area.

When the girls got back from the tailgate event at the high school, we watched Split. Those that weren’t too terrified fell asleep on the couch. Summer, though trembling from broken nerves, said she thought it was a good movie. I’m just excited for a different kind of hero movie.

The broken are the more evolved.


We didn’t have a team meeting this morning, so I spent all day in my buildings trying to keep my head above water. For some reason people feel like now is the best time to try and request new things from everyone, so on top of them finding things that have been broken since last year, they’re creating new work for us as well.

I met up with Summer at New China for lunch, then continued on with more of the same until it was time to go. I took Eaddie along with me while Summer went to work out, and we got some milkshakes from Sonic on the way home. Once Summer got here, we all went to pick up some Wendy’s for them before coming home to watch Unbreakable.

Monday will bring out the priorities in everyone.


I had to drag Allen and Amanda along to do some work all day today. It was an easy task of blowing out computers and projectors on my campuses, but neither of them wanted to do anything. They both periodically ended up on their phones or sitting, and I had to drag them from room to room. Even pulling cable usually goes better with these two, but this was just too much for them.

We took a break for lunch at Firehouse, and I stopped by to give Summer some medicine at the shop. Then it was back to more dusting. We split up for most of that, so I’m absolutely positive they didn’t do it correctly while they were out of my eyesight. It’s things like this that make me want to just do it all by myself.

After work, I waited for the girls for a while until they were ready to go to the pet store. We had to pick up some more mealworms for the turtles. The floating ramp we found for Autumn’s red-ear was way too expensive for my taste, so we’ll have to come up with something from home. It shouldn’t be too bad, but it will take a little bit of work.

Once everyone got here, we watched Tomb Raider, which was stellar. The 3D was spot-on, and the surprises and suspense had Summer wringing most of the blood out of my hands. I really hate that I missed it in theaters.

Shoulda bought two for when the first goes out.

Sweat Child o’ Mine

I got up this morning and spent a while making a big egg and hash brown breakfast. Everything turned out pretty good, and I learned some things along the way. It’s all about the low, slow heat when it comes to the hash browns.

The girls got stuck watching The Flash literally all day long. Summer and I dug the 55-gallon aquarium out of the garage and started cleaning it up to take to her house for Autumn’s turtle, Apollo. We even managed to get her outside to help scrub the tank for a bit.

It was super hot outside, but it wouldn’t have been so bad in the shade if it weren’t for the humidity. Even my house struggled to keep up as the inside temperature reached four whole degrees warmer than the thermostat was set. I don’t know if it froze up, or if it was low on refrigerant, but it cooled off in the evening after leaving it off for a while.

After we dropped the tank off at Summer’s, we all went to my parents’ house for some hot dogs and eggplant soup for dinner. The girls got stuck there watching the finale of Harry Potter. I’m sure I probably have, but I can’t remember ever consuming that much passive entertainment all at once. They’ve just been completely gripped by this stuff today.

When the movie finished, I took the girls back home and headed home to a cool house. I’ll have to keep an eye on things tomorrow in the heat to see how it does. I didn’t feel particularly sleepy, and it was cool enough outside that I got the bug to install my Nest Hello. I finally found the correct breaker to switch off and got to work. Everything went pretty smoothly, and I’m pretty happy with the install except for the narrow passageway up to my front door. I’m pretty sure I’ll end up moving the whole installation to the gate next to the garage.

I’d rather live with the constant threat of my island blowing up than sweating to death every summer in this humidity.

ANT-onio Banderas

I tried not to sleep in too late today so I wouldn’t ruin my first morning back to work tomorrow. I guess it worked, because I’m exhausted now after a day in Conway.

I went to Summer’s to pick everyone up, and we headed to the movie. We picked up some cheap snacks first, and then grabbed our best seats for Ant-Man and the Wasp. I was a little worried at first, because the guy sitting next to me seemed to have negative comments for every single commercial that played before the trailers. He calmed down by the time the lights came down though, so all was well. The movie was great, and it really stoked everyone for the next Infinity War.

After the movie we went to Sam’s Club to try and exchange my succulent that rotted. They didn’t have any more, but they gave me a refund for half of the two plants, which was perfectly fine. We roamed around for a while, and I ended up picking up a super cheap mini fridge like the ones I’ve been eyeing for a while. It was about 25% cheaper than what I’d been watching on sale, so I couldn’t turn away.

We came straight back home where Summer grilled some brats and fried some potatoes for dinner. The Sam’s salsa we picked up was a disappointment, but everything else was awesome. Then we watched a couple episodes of The Office before I had to head home.

Aaron came online shortly after I got home, so we played one round of PUBG before bed. I didn’t die without at least one kill, so I call it a successful return.

You can do it. You can do anything. You’re the world’s greatest grandma.