Relatively Prehistoric

Today started off particularly slow and late. My Aunt Diane called after she got out of church so we could set up an early dinner. We left the hotel in the early afternoon to go shopping at an Old Navy that offered less of a deal than I expected, and then killed the rest of the afternoon there until we met my Aunt Diane and Uncle Rich at Greek Islands for dinner.

It was nice to visit with them, but they insisted on paying and the place wasn’t particularly cheap. It was probably the fanciest and most different meal we’ve had our entire trip though. I had a roasted suckling pig, Summer got lamb, Autumn had some kind of chicken spaghetti, and Eaddie had something with spinach and a flaky crust. The flaming cheese appetizer seemed to be pretty popular with other tables as well, and it was really good with the bread they had. None of my cousins could make it, but we managed to keep a conversation going.

After dinner, we separated and went our different ways. Summer spent the evening trying to prepack things to load in the morning so we could go catch Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom at an IMAX just a few blocks away. It was a super late showing for the girls at 10:20. The theater was a full-service dining experience, which was new to all of us I think. I don’t think I’d do it again except for a movie I’m really not interested in seeing. It was too distracting for my taste, and the screen wasn’t a traditional IMAX size. The girls had fun though, and we all got to experience a Dyson bathroom faucet with built-in hand dryers.

Life, uh, finds a way to pay.

What are Traditions: Father’s Day 2018

We got up early this morning to go to Conway for Father’s Day. Before that, we went to Harbor Freight to pick up a trailer hitch cargo carrier. Julie was running behind, so we left about 45 minutes than we planned. Mom and Dad wanted me to drive, so I got us to Red Robin for some burgers. We managed to squeak in with a relatively short wait time, and made it out just in time to get to the other side of town for the movie.

With just a few minutes to kill, we ran to Harbor Freight across the parking lot so I could get a moving blanket to wrap stuff on the cargo carrier, and then we went in to watch Incredibles 2. I don’t know if it was because I was so hot and tired, or if the movie just had a way slower pace than I expected, but I had trouble staying awake during the first half. I wasn’t the only one though, because Mom fell asleep and then woke up screaming about how she couldn’t see anything.

After the movie, we came straight home and I started putting together my cargo carrier while Summer went to the gym. As I was finishing up, Lelan texted and wanted to know if I could help Stephen with a Mavic Pro drone they were having trouble flying, so I met him at his office to see what I could do. We managed to get it airborne, and he flew it around in their big lobby area because it was a bit too windy outside to be flying near an airport. Once he was satisfied with that, I came back home to meet up with Summer for dinner and The Office.

Don’t be koi.

It’s a little hard to hear you with that pity-dick in your mouth.

I ran into a sad Daredevil in the shower this morning. Sometimes I see some pretty weird stuff in there, but this one was picture-worthy. It was a bit hard to capture, what with him being made of hair and all. Toast would’ve been an easier medium to capture, I think.

Work was a bit more fun than usual today. I got a few things done, had lunch at KFC with Allen, and got to play with $160,000 worth of new flash storage in the server room. It was pretty impressive, and well thought-out, which was nice because we had to mount it at face level. I guess when you’re spending that much money on something, they really want to make sure you get your screwdriver, because the packaging for that was a little beyond ridiculous.

When we finished up in the server room, we were greeted outside by a pretty big, flooding thunderstorm. I didn’t expect the rain, but I at least drove to that building due to the heat. The problem was that I accidentally pulled off of the sidewalk and into the dirt when I parked, so I nearly got stuck getting out. I was just barely able to rock the car back and forth enough to hop out of the rut. That was after having to climb in from the passenger side because there was such a large mud puddle on the driver’s side.

Josh met me at my house right after work, and we went to Conway for some Old Chicago and then to catch Deadpool 2Solo comes out this weekend, so we wanted to catch this while it was still in the XD theater. It was a great movie that really just kept running with the jabs at literally anything else. We decided that it would be pretty hard to mess up a Deadpool movie, simply for the fact that it’s so self-aware and never takes itself too (at all) seriously.

Listen to the pain. It’s both history teacher and fortune teller. Pain teaches us who we are, Wade.

Pet Shop Boys

I woke up pretty refreshed today after some good sleep. I spent all day cleaning the house, fish tanks, vacuuming, and even some steam cleaning. All the pets seem a bit happier now, and the place definitely looks better.

Summer took the girls to Nick’s and then came over in the evening. We went to Taco Villa for dinner, then Davis Discount Pet Store where I chatted with Mrs. Davis for a little while. I picked up some mealworms for the box turtles, and we left there to go to PetSmart for some supplies she didn’t have. There, I picked up the filter media bags I needed along with a female betta. Jessica’s male in the library keeps making bubble nests, so I’m hoping I can try to breed them.

When we left there, we went to Walmart for something to help with Summer’s poison ivy itch. I also needed some poly fill to stuff in my aquarium filters, so I picked up a 10lb box that should last forever. We stopped and got a couple Blizzards on the way home, then settled in to watch Upside Down.

Up-top, they always win, And down-below, we always fail.

That’s not snoring. That’s the sound of me dying.

We slept in a bit this morning until the kids all went to hang out with Nick. Summer started some pulled pork barbecue in the crock pot, then I dozed off in her lap while she caught up on Stranger Things so she could watch it with the kids. She went to the gym for a bit before everyone got home, and I watched Moana while updating an old laptop I hadn’t used in a while.

Once the kids got back, they all went to drop Noah off and to get an assortment of gifts from Summer’s parents. She had started some pulled pork barbecue in the crock pot earlier in the morning, which we ate once everyone got back home. It was too late to start an episode of Stranger Things, so we watched New Girl, sent the girls to bed, then caught a couple episodes of The Office before I headed home.

When I got home to my hot house, I discovered I had been invaded again by ants. This time, I lost my apple fritters. I dusted the perimeter of my house with ant killer in a fit of rage, then cleaned up a bit before bed. At least it managed to cool off pretty quickly inside.

Can you imagine an Asian that is bothered by the sound of filing nails???

A Quiet Surprise

I took today off since Summer had to take Noah in to get braces. We went to Conway to catch a matinee showing of A Quiet Place. We were one of only like three groups of people in the whole theater, the largest in the house, so we had plenty of room to breathe. Just before the movie started, a younger lady came walking into this horror movie with a baby in a stroller and a toddler. I almost lost my shit. After stewing for a while, I came to the acceptance that if you’re going to bring children to a horror movie in the theater, at least do it during a matinee showing with only a couple other parties in the room.

How could I object?

To my surprise and delight, the kids behaved mostly well, and the mostly-silent movie went on without too much interruption. It was more suspense than horror, but that didn’t keep Summer from going white-knuckled, crushing my hand within the first ten minutes. Ultimately, it was probably her that left the theater with the most emotional scarring.

After the movie, we had to come straight home to pick up the girls. We stopped by Kroger on the way back and got raw materials to create spaghetti. She didn’t have any sauce at home like she thought, so we ended up having to make another trip to Dollar General for that, but overall everything turned out great. Much success.

We wrapped up the girls’ evening with a game of Uno, then watched a few episodes of The Office with Noah before I headed home for bed.

Grease is the Word

The girls were spending the day with their father, so Summer and I got ready and headed to Conway to catch Grease‘s 40th anniversary showing. I had only sort of seen it once before at Suzanne’s house years ago while she was having a party where people were doing things that kept me distracted from the movie, so it was nice to check it off my list proper.

After the movie, we wandered through Target for a while. She picked up a new swimsuit, and I loaded up on clearanced Easter candy. Then we found our way to Red Robin for dinner. It was pretty good, if not expensive, and really messy. Endless fries helped, but I didn’t think six onion rings were worth an upcharge.

That ain’t no shit, we’ll be getting lots of tit.

Ready Player Three

Several members of our team were out today, so we didn’t have a meeting in the morning. Instead, we just worked in our buildings all day. Those of us that were there met up for lunch at Chick-fil-A. When we walked in, there wasn’t an empty seat in the house, so we left and went to Zaxby’s. Surprisingly, everyone seemed happy with the alternative. I saw John and Melissa, along with Jennifer and the rest of the family there too.

The other kids were spending the night with friends, so Summer dropped Eaddie off with me while she went to the gym after work. We went to my parents’ house to pick up some frog eggs my dad scooped out of the pool cover, then spent most of the rest of our time trying to find a small fish tank to put them in. I couldn’t find the one I had in mind, but had a fish bowl that suited them fine.

When Summer got here, we went to Conway for dinner and a movie. I still had a $10 birthday reward for Marketplace Grill, and then we watched the late showing of Ready Player One. The movie was pretty great, but I have a strong need to go back and watch it again frame-by-frame so I can find all of the characters and references. I’m sure someone will have a list by the end of the week.

Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it later. But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny.
Oh, and by the way… there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid. Deal with it.

What can I say except, “you’re welcome!”

I slept in again today, but made time to clean the aquarium and living room before going out. The girls went shopping and wanted CiCi’s, so I met them there for that. Afterward we stopped in to Shoe Carnival so I could look for some sandals. I don’t really understand it, but the sandals I wear are at least a size larger than my shoe size.

When we left there, Summer asked what the plan was, and I told her that I was going to go play video games by myself and she could do whatever she wanted. Eaddie said she was with me, so I took her, which I think was a surprise to everyone. It looked like Summer and Autumn went toward their house, and Eaddie and I went to my house, but then made a detour to get half a sandwich out of the office refrigerator. On the way back, we passed a bird sitting in the gutter of the road that didn’t move, so I circled around and we walked over to look at it. I managed to poke it before it wobely flew across the street. We followed it, but I never got to touch it again. I did get a sweet picture of it when it landed just outside arm’s reach in a tree.

Giving up on the bird, we came back to my house and met the others and played some Blokus before settling in to watch Moana. I loved the movie, and the 3D was spot-on.

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me…

A Wrinkle

We all got up this morning to some poachies, sausage links, and strawberries before trekking to Conway. We caught the early afternoon showing of A Wrinkle in Time before doing a bit of shopping. The movie was okay, but I wonder how it compares to the book. At a glance, it looks like something I may actually be able to digest someday.

We wandered through Dollar Tree for a bit before heading to Sam’s to load up on some essentials for them and a 50-pound bag of popcorn kernels for me, because it’s the only way I could afford to feed this many mouths.  From there, we managed to find a compromise on a pizza at Old Chicago before failing to make it to Shoe Carnival before closing.

Cranky and tired, we made it all the way back home without any casualties. Except the popcorn. Somewhere between the store and the car, it suffered a stab wound.

Don’t go to war for me.