Hey Google, tell me about my day.

On the way to work this morning, I passed a guy on an ill-fitting bicycle that looked like he rode it straight out of a game of Grand Theft Auto, windbreaker and all. I’m talking about one of the older games, not GTA5 Online. I say that because he didn’t have bags of money raining down on him as he rode around giving a piggyback ride to a guy with a green mohawk. You see, that was a joke, because GTA5 Online is broken from all the “hackers” and cheaters. I’ll be here all week. Don’t forget to tip your waitress.

This evening, in a perfect example of my inability to complete simple tasks without getting distracted, I set out to repair a leaky flapper valve in one of my toilet tanks. After a couple hours, I found I had recovered and cleaned up a lost herb planter from my garage and planted a stalk of celery to grow in my windowsill.

It wasn’t until I returned to find the toilet in a state of disrepair that I realized what I had done. There is no help for me. Save yourself.

Otherwise, today can easily fade away in time, completely forgotten.

Alexa, goodnight.

Making It a Thing…

This is it. We’re doing it. No turning back. All or nothing. We’ll do it live. It’s a thing. Tell a friend.

It’s an ambitious, exciting, and sometimes terrifying feeling getting to be the dumbest person there, but I feel fortunate to be in a place where I can only look up. I may not ever get to the point that I know the inner workings of the universe the way that some of my coworkers grok them, but I like to think I have enough working knowledge and the drive, or at least stubbornness, to eventually figure things out. Today was an exercise in learning about networking, wireless, and secretly a bit of that old devil, subnetting.

I wasn’t alone, though. I made a friend in my travels.

And you know what? After spending nearly the entire day running back and forth, I finally figured it out. Rad.

After work, I spent some time catching up with my friend Jesica, freshly tanned from her spring break. We visited that fancy Walmart Neighborhood Market place for some canned chicken, kimchi, and bananas. She buffaloed them into baked eggrolls. Well, just the chicken. Frankly I’m surprised she didn’t mix the rest in too. White people are weird.

I wore this shirt today:

Blogging 301: Intermediate-Advanced Online Journal Keeping

Who knew keeping a blog journal as an adult would be so difficult. Maybe we were younger then, and eager to tell our stories. Maybe we were just naive enough to think someone would listen. Maybe we were so full teenage angst that we had nowhere else to spill our guts.


Maybe now there’s less to share. Maybe we were the ones that got boring. Maybe we ran out of things to say. Maybe nobody cares where you’ve been, or what you had for lunch.

It seems like so many of us settled so quickly. Many by choice. Many just fell stagnant. I probably fell victim to a little of both. Who has time for adventure when you’re busy waking up to go to that job you hate to support the family that doesn’t appreciate those adventures you sacrificed?

Or maybe the family was the adventure, and it was something else that was left behind.

Maybe you were the one left behind.

Nobody has time for your ennui, Peter. Now get back to work. You have a mortgage to shrink and a 401k to grow.

Let’s figure this out together, shall we?

I had Taco Bell for lunch. Spicy Triple-Double-Crunchwrap Box and an unsweetened tea. Bangarang.