Bet they don’t reprimand their froggers!

I thought we might get a break from pulling cable today, and I was at least partly right. Amanda called in after what we had to go through yesterday, and evidently Jason and Allen didn’t get anywhere near finished with Sequoyah, so they wanted me to come help them finish it. I had some things to do for summer school though, so I went to Oakland first to take care of that. I checked on the tadpoles while I was there, and was greeted with a wave.

When I finally got to Sequoyah, I saved the day by fixing where the cable boxes were to reduce friction, and also punched a bunch of cables through a wall that Jason couldn’t seem to get through. We finished up there, and I don’t even know how much excess cable they pulled, but it was a frustrating amount. It’s almost as if they had never done it before. I fished the ends through where they needed to be, then let them finish up after lunch.

We had lunch at Dairy Queen, and Summer met us there just to stare at me. I’m now remembering that I had forgotten to get my 99 cent cheese sticks from Sonic in the afternoon. After lunch, I was instructed to go get serial numbers from 108 iPads so we could deploy a paid app to them for summer school. Gary volunteered to help, and we managed to knock out 85 in about two and a half hours. So many frustrating things could have been completely avoided with some better management, preparedness, and maybe a dash of testing things before committing to them and demanding resolutions at the last minute.

After work, I went by Superfast to get Summer because they were looking at her air conditioner again. We made it home and I started some laundry before having to go to her house to pick up something for her neck pain. Back home, I managed to get one round of PUBG in before server maintenance, and then it was off to bed.

That was scary-fast.

Double Date with Folks

Work was supremely frustrating today. Amanda and I were sent to pull Ryan’s cables at Jason’s buildings, and even if it was unintentional, we had the distinct feeling that Jason was selectively assigning difficult jobs to others so he wouldn’t have to do them. I’m covered from head to toe in fiberglass insulation, and now my skin hurts everywhere.

I went to New China for lunch with Allen and Kristen, and we met Summer there. It was an interesting time, and Kristen wants to hang out with us as couples now. Life is strange.

The afternoon was finishing up the bullshittiest cable run I’ve ever had to do, and then Ben cut us loose at 4. I refused to let Jason beat me out the door, so Heather, Gary, and I all left a few minutes earlier.

I went home and started charging Summer’s Amazfit Bip before she got there to go swim at my parents’ house. Dad came out to join us in the pool for a bit until Mom got home from work, and then we all went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner.


End of the Year Review: Year 2

It was field day at the junior high today, so on top of being slow this time of year, I didn’t have anything new coming in. I decided to walk around some of the activities there, and had lunch from Subway that was brought in. School let out two hours early for our awards assembly at the performing arts center.

The guys left the shop earlier than I expected, so I was the last one to make it to the PAC. I mingled a little in the lobby, then found a seat with Summer and Miranda. Ryan got tech of the year, which was well deserved after all the work he’s been doing on just about everything that makes the rest of our jobs easier.

I stuck around and chatted with Becky for a little while until traffic settled down, and then headed home. On the way toward Hickey Park, I saw a fox run across the road from the school into the little meadow between the campus and the park. It had a squirrel in its mouth, which I kind of assume was dinner for some tiny fox babies.

When I got home, I moved the rest of the tadpoles to the 55-gallon tank. I counted around 250 alive, and only really found one corpse. There were some others that didn’t seem too active, but there’s a ton of movement now that they all have way more space to swim around. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with over 200 frogs, but it should be entertaining. The pair I took to Oakland have gotten way bigger than any of the ones I have at home, which I guess is due to less crowding and better water quality. Hopefully the larger tank will fix both of those issues, though I still need to go buy some more filter media.

I drove through Wendy’s for a couple burgers on the way to Summer’s house. She baked some fries, and we watched The Office for a while. There was some leftover caramel apple pie from the bake sale that was super good too.

On the way home, I decided to stop at Walmart for some new batteries to put in my Nest Protect and a replacement lava lamp bulb for the one I broke in the library. Then I ran into Steven while I was looking at water hose nozzles. I see his dad around the neighborhood, but I haven’t seen him in years. Crazy how time works.

Price check on prune juice, Bob. Price check on prune juice.


I spent all morning at Oakland, partially finishing up Sara’s office, but also babysitting ELPA testing. Becky finished her latest cow painting and brought it in for me. She always does a fantastic job, but seems so critical.

Ryan, Zach, Sara, and I went to Wendy’s for lunch. Ryan and I both got their Smoky Mushroom Bacon Cheeseburger, which was awesome. I was feeling the double, and it was everything I had hoped it would be.

After lunch, I spent some time at the junior high before heading back to the shop to help Ryan hang a touch panel for Amanda. She was there too. We were in and out in about 40 minutes, which seemed pretty awesome compared to the five-man jobs we usually pull on Fridays.

After work, I came home and boxed up my damaged Pixel and fried cable modem for their respective returns. Then it was a winning round of PUBG before bed.

Addicted to shopohol.

Owlet You in on a Little Secret

I woke up pretty early today after an early night to bed. I kicked around for a little while, had a potato for breakfast because I have so much potato, then ended up back in bed. I laid there for quite a while without falling asleep, but eventually got hazy and almost lucid for a while. A few episodes of sleep paralysis later, I got back up around noon time. I got a little cleaning done, and played a few rounds of PUBG before getting showered and heading to Summer’s house for a bit.

We ran to Walmart for a couple things. I had to pick up some poster board for my owl replacement project. Afterward, I dropped her off at home and went by my parents’ house to try some bò bía my mom made. I didn’t love it.

Once home, I played another couple rounds of PUBG before finishing the owls and writing my apology letter. I think it turned out okay. The delivery’s been made, so at least I can sleep again at night.

Some apowlogy letter…


Aside from the wet ground in the morning, today was a great day to ride the bike to work. I spent most of the day running around closing small work orders, then made it home for lunch. I got the owl timers in, and I was fortunate enough to receive one of each color, so the crime scene diorama is a go. The afternoon was more of the same until it was time to go home.

I played some solo PUBG for a while and made it up to second place, then had dinner and waited for the rest of the guys to get on. Josh, Keno, Clint, and I played several games, but I ended the evening by carrying the corpses of my teammates to victory in my very first ever last-man-standing chicken dinner. I guess the solo games are paying off.


The Bar

It was all parties at the elementaries today. I went by a room to check on something and a kid ran out into the hallway saying they needed something from me. As I entered the room, the entire class yelled, “happy valentine’s day, Mister Michael” at me. It was every bit as charming and awkward as one might imagine. They invited me back in the afternoon for their trail mix party, which was a delightful mix of cereal and assorted candy. It was nice to see something that wouldn’t punch you in the mouth with a fist of sugar.

I never actually left for lunch after that. I got a sundae after the trail mix, so I guess there wasn’t much need for anything else. After work, I went to Summer’s for dinner, then came back home for some PUBG before bed. I’m having a hard time getting into bed at an appropriate time, but I guess it’s not affecting me negatively yet.

Valentine’s day is just a corporate invention, but we don’t have to fall for it. We don’t have to ever enjoy anything.

Time Check

Kids were out of school today, so we had a group day of hanging touch panels. Midway through, we received an email from our assistant superintendent basically scolding everyone for having perfect timesheets that didn’t vary by a minute or two every day. We’ll be riding that scandall for a while, I figure.

While we were at our last room, I accidentally broke an owl kitchen timer on a teacher’s desk, and I felt absolutely dreadful about it. I tried to fix it, but just ended up making it worse. I knew I’d have to find a replacement somehow. Lunch was Taco Bell with Zach and Sara, and Summer met us there. Then it was back to the shop for the rest of the day. We got to leave an hour early, and it was off to find my owl.

I found the timer on, so I tried their brick-and-mortar first. I couldn’t find a single timer shaped like anything other than a timer, so it was off to Kmart. Then T.J. Maxx. Then finally back to the internet. I ultimately decided to go back to the manufacturer and ordered three, since I couldn’t choose a color. Hopefully I’ll get an assortment and not like three of the same color. My idea right now is to stage a crime scene, but time will tell.

When Summer got off work, we went to Denny’s for some burgers, then came home and watched Deadpool before bed. One more day, then it’s back to normal.

“Sorry I broke your owl” -Definitely Allen

The Payoff

I had to wake up super early this morning in order to get to work before Kevin. I wanted to set up my GoPro to catch his reaction to the computers blocking his office door. Unfortunately he beat me there, so I had to rely on security camera footage instead. He managed to get in via the door between our offices, so he wasn’t too obstructed.

After lunch, he told me he had gotten stuck in there a couple times and had to call someone to let him out. Unbeknownst to me, the door between our offices had a key on his side of the door, and hadn’t been re-keyed to match any of our master keys, so he couldn’t get back out of his office except by moving some of the computers out of the way. I made quick work getting them back to my office, but it was fun while it lasted.

After work, I went to my parents’ for some fish soup, then had to go back to work to finish up on a computer that had been giving me trouble. By the time I left, I was ready to head home. I played a few rounds of PUBG with the boys, then it was off to bed.

“He wasn’t even mad! All of this was just for a prank!”

What are Traditions: Work Holiday Shindig 2017

Today was kind of a weirdly relaxed day, mostly due to a pep rally at the junior high. I did make some decent progress on some things I had been working on though, so overall it was a successful day.

People have been so impressed with my Pixel 2 XL that both Sarah and Ronda ordered smaller ones for themselves. I played with Sarah’s for a bit, and really liked the size. The top and bottom bezels didn’t feel as bad as they looked in pictures. I still feel like mine is way too big to comfortably use, but I like the smaller bezels.

After work, I had to run to Walmart to pick up the stuff for a broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole for Ben’s Christmas dinner at his place. He smoked a pork shoulder, and we had all the fixings for a nice barbecue meal. Gary and I traded high scores in Seaquest on the Atari, at one point taking turns doubling each other’s previous scores. It was a really great time with everyone.

Centuries worth of technological advances, and this is what we do with it?