Party Pooper

I managed to sleep until a little after noon today. I never really got hungry which was nice, but I also didn’t feel up to much after popping my Dulcolax tablets. Originally I had envisioned cleaning up the house a bit, and I did try, but I just didn’t accomplish a whole lot. I spent most of my time playing some more Oxygen Not Included until things started getting gurgly. Then I watched The World According to Jeff Goldblum, which honestly kind of left me not really liking him as much just because he seemed completely unable to be even a little bit normal. He’s an entertaining character in smaller doses, but I could see how someone would become tired of him after a while, like an annoying, weird uncle.

Overall it felt very much like the old days of hiding in my home and not seeing anyone for days. I completely forgot to go out and get gas for Hog Wild Wednesday. I wonder if I can last another week.

Won’t this be fun…

That Spiked Pear Tree Can Burn

We slept in a bit today, then got up to a couple episodes of Battlestar Galactica before lunch. I started craving Taco Bell and needed to run a couple errands, so the yard work waited a bit longer. I should have known I was in for trouble when I couldn’t get the Taco Bell app to work again. I’ve still got quite a bit of money wrapped up in e-gift cards in the app, and I can’t use them because the app won’t keep me signed in. When I finally gave up and went to the counter to order and pay, it took them 24 minutes to get our food out to us. They were pretty busy with a couple vans worth of kids there, but the wait was still unreal.

After eating, we went to Lowe’s to dispose of some CFL bulbs and then wandered around a bit to check out any seasonal clearances. They had some blinds outside that the lady practically wanted to give away, but we couldn’t find any the right size. Next was a quick stop at Walmart to return the globe light bulbs I picked up last night because they were too big to fit inside my fixtures. I didn’t much care for the color anyway.

When we finally got back home, we went out back to start cleaning up the yard. It took me a while to get a fire going because it just wasn’t getting any airflow without any breeze at all, but I finally got it going well enough to burn down my ant-infested stump. As we wound down, Summer went home to clean up as I tended the coals, then I cleaned myself up and waited for her return. She brought a bunch of salad stuff over, I chopped up some dinner, and we ended the night with some surprisingly sappy Parks and Rec for a lighter evening.

Goodbye Ann. I have enjoyed parts of our time together.

An Attempt at Cleaning That Was Really Mostly Playing with Shrimp

Summer got called into work this morning, so I slept in for a bit before heading home to try and clean house. I got a little bit done, but mostly wandered around picking at little things all day. I did a pretty big trimp to the plants in the Imagitarium, and moved some plants from the ghost shrimp tank over since the snails were preventing them from growing any leaves anyway. Hopefully they do better without all the pest snails running amok. I did manage to clean up the guest bathroom a bit, which seemed to be my focus all day.

After work and some gym time, Summer came over and we went to have dinner at Mom’s. She was asleep on the couch but got up to help assemble some phở for us. We watched TV with her there for a bit, then left for Walmart so I could pick up a new flapper for my leaky guest toilet. We perused any clearance areas we could find and picked up a couple other things, then came back to my house for the evening. Summer went to bed while I spent some time changing light bulbs and cleaning up the bathroom a bit more before following suit.

Maybe I’m the reason I have so many brown recluse spiders here.

A Laundry List

We got up pretty early this morning after some storming last night. Summer went to get bread for French toast and ended up at the shop because they lost a bunch of equipment due to a power surge or lightning strike. Eaddie and I watched some Daredevil until she got back, and then after breakfast I went back to the shop with her to see if I could be of any help.

I found a few bad ethernet ports on several pieces of equipment, and swapped things around enough to get them limping. It was hot though, and I needed a shower, so I went home to get ready. We were going to go to Conway to go shopping, but by the time Summer got rid of the girls and was ready to go, I decided it was too late and started some laundry instead. It’ll free up tomorrow having so much of it done, which will be nice as the last weekend before school starts.

Summer eventually came over but didn’t feel like getting out for dinner, so I went to eat with my parents by myself. When I got back, we were both so tired that we called it an early night and went to bed.

Shopping for stuff from China is always so fun!

Slow Grind

I got up a little earlier today and started picking at the house again. It was cooler out, so I tackled a pile of stuff in the floor of the garage, organizing things as I went along. I’ll still have to find permanent homes for everything, but at least now most of it’s out of the floor and in boxes. I even threw away some stuff, like a box of tractor-feed paper.

Summer fried chicken for tacos, but I felt to gross and dirty to get out right then. Eventually I gave in to the hunger for fear of not eating and getting stuck with a late lunch/early dinner mess of a schedule. Just as I left the house, Summer rounded the corner with some tacos, so I came back and ate at home before digging back into the garage.

The day creeped along, and I slowed down as things got hotter. It finally got to a point where I no longer wanted to be outside, so I came in to shower and then headed up to Summer’s for dinner. She pan-fried some fish for fish tacos and made an avocado sauce to emulate what I described to her from Bocadillo. Autumn skipped out and went to spend the night with her grandparents, so Summer, Eaddie, and I got to split it one fewer ways. Then we watched Aziz Ansari: Right Now before heading back to my house.

It was finally time to get Summer on the bike, so she and Eaddie rode their bicycles to the park and I caught up to them on the Grom. Then Eaddie and I rode around in circles while Summer practiced starting and stopping in a straight line. The more I watched her, the more I wished I had a bike like that when I was learning. All of the bikes I’ve ever owned were way more top-heavy, and made it more difficult to balance. The Grom is so puny that even when she stalled or accidentally revved the throttle in a stop, she was able to land on both feet. Dale and Neletta spotted us out there and stopped to chat for a minute, which was really nice. I hadn’t seen him since he left, and had been meaning to call.

As darkness approached, we all road back home and put everything away. Eaddie and I watched an episode of Jessica Jones while I did a load of laundry before bed.

That was a weird comedy show.

The Militant

I slept in super hard today and missed lunch with Autumn. When I did finally wake up, I got showered and took Eaddie with me to Autumn’s graduation ceremony from the Law Enforcement Explorers program. Dad met us there too, and we got to see their small group do a few vaguely military-like things. It seemed a little generic, and probably not as structured as some of them needed, but I was proud of Autumn for doing something intentionally difficult.

When we left, Summer wasn’t feeling great but the rest of us were hungry, so I took all three kids to Zaxby’s for BOGO Big Zax Snak meals. They were a bit mouthy on the way, but once we got seated the conversations cooled down a bit and we all had a good time. Noah had to work in the evening, so we headed straight back to Summer’s after our late lunch. He and I played a bit of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 while Eaddie hid in her room and Autumn showered.

I wanted to get some things done around the house, so I took Noah to work, then headed home for the evening super early. I didn’t have any primary focus, but continued to peck at the laundry and kitchen areas all night. The garage is still so overwhelming to look at, but I’ve got to tackle it tomorrow so I can park there again.

Gotta review those statements.

1200 Squats

I spent the entire day by myself imaging laptops. Between yesterday’s boot disk creation and today, I’ve completed 150 devices. There are only about 1050 left to go. I didn’t have a terrible time today, but next week is going to be a long week.

Allen was the only one that said anything about lunch, and we were both pretty hungry, so it was KFC or bust. Then it was right back to the grind. The music helps. Having things to rearrange helps too.

After work, I went home for a while and ended up vacuuming out my car so I could install the new WeatherTech floor mats. I got super hot and sweaty, but the job’s done and I’ll feel better about having those nasty children in and out of the car all of the time. I just wish they tucked under the door moulding to keep the crumbs from falling down between them.

I beat Summer and Eaddie home but just waited in the car for them. Then I fried up some chicken for their sandwiches, and Summer went to bed while Eaddie and I watched another episode of Daredevil.

I’m gonna have to get some better knee pads…

The Princess Is in a Cooler Castle

I had to take an alternate route home this morning due to railroad construction, and then the extra traffic on the way in to work very nearly made me late. I spent all morning with Brice doing the cleanup work orders at Oakland. Allen came by and helped after taking care of something else.

Ben brought smoked turkey for lunch, so I had to run to Neighborhood Market for my side. I brought potato salad and rolls, because I didn’t realize Jason was bringing some kind of cheesy potato salad type dish. Both people in front of me in line paid by cash at the self-checkout, which was stupid and slow. Why do people use money?

The afternoon was more of the same, with the addition of Amanda and Jason for a short while. Summer and Ben stopped by after Mark stood them up for their meeting, but I couldn’t really help them. Ben let us have a working lunch, so most of us left early. I ended up going to the high school to drop off some things first, where I got caught up chatting with Bryan for a minute outside. I didn’t realize higher level administrators had the same number of contract days that we have.

I stayed super late in my new office, hooking up one of my speakers and contemplating a desk move. Then I went home and started water changes in all of the aquariums before having to pick Eaddie up from karate. We went by my parents’ house without any real plan, where we ended up eating some leftovers and doing puzzles. Eaddie was doing them on her phone, while I put together a 3D castle that Dad pulled out of the closet.

We headed back to Summer’s pretty late, and I was so exhausted that I just crashed there. It took my house a frustrating hour to cool down four degrees, and I don’t know if it’s the weather, or if there’s something wrong with the new unit, or if it’s just not designed to be shut off for long periods of time. In any case, I need to spend some more time at home now to take care of all of this stuff. I just feel like I’ve been run over by a school bus.

“And at the end of it all, my only regret is not spending more of my life working for a living.”  –nobody ever

The Humidity of Our City – Our Ciiiity!

I scarfed down an apple fritter on the way home this morning, and was greeted by another dead A/C unit, presumably full of water again. At least the house had cooled down quite a bit, so I was able to get ready for work without too much additional sweat. I was running a tiny bit ahead, so I proceeded with adding the new shrimp to the kitchen aquarium. Dad showed up just before I left for work so he could house-sit while Dependable replaced my central heating and air. I figured it would be a few hours, but it ended up taking all day long.

Jason decided to take a look at the high school sign with me, which took quite a bit of walking and driving back and forth across the campus. We ended with the assumption that the outlet is bad, or at least giving dirty power that’s causing some issues. Everything else seems to be working correctly. When we got back to the shop, we loaded up with some cable and went to meet Heather at the junior high to pull a couple lines. I thought I had it down to the foot, but I ended up being super short and lost one of the two cables in the ceiling, so we had to finish after lunch.

Allen and Gary wanted to go to Bocadillos for lunch, but didn’t want to wait for me to get back to the shop, so I had to drive myself down to Dardanelle. The food had been better, and the salsa tasted like it had started to turn. To top it all off, I was charged double for my drink, and my mangonada cup was served super messy. I managed to make it home to check on Dad though. Bác Vân brought him lunch, but I felt bad that he had to sit in the hot house all day. I really had no idea it would take that long, and I didn’t leave him anything to keep entertained. I really should have just taken the day off myself.

Back at work, Jason stayed at the shop while Heather and I finished re-running and terminating cables. Then we ended the day with some battery swaps and a cooldown in the office. That’s when the rain finally hit, and it really poured. I wasn’t willing to wait it out, so I ran to the car, splashing through the flooded parking lot, and made my way home.

Baby Bye Bye Bye!

The guys were just finishing up with the equipment and needed to test the thermostat. It was a bit upsetting that they didn’t seem to have a clue how to use the Nest thermostat since Dependable is a registered Nest Pro. I had to set the thermostat up myself after plugging it in to a micro-USB cable to quickly charge it back up after they cut power at the breaker for it last month. They had enough other stuff to finish while we waited for the charge though, and eventually tested everything successfully. It took the house a few hours to cool down from the peak of 89 degrees, and the unit didn’t seem to be very fast at all. The air coming out of the vents was just barely cool, and the outside unit didn’t blow as hot as I expected. I was just happy to have something going though.

When Summer and Eaddie finished what they were doing, they came to pick me up and we went to my parents’ house for some leftover phở. We sat there for a little while before going back for my car. They went home and to sleep while I cleaned up a couple things at the house, and then I joined them for another night.

So much to catch up on now…

Lessons in Procrastination

Uncle Giao brought the whole family down yesterday and we missed them, so I went to Bác Vân’s house first thing this morning to catch them on the way out. I don’t even remember the last time I saw Erika. I don’t know if it was premeditated, but seemingly out of the blue, Bác Vân handed her seldom-driven car over to Nova since she’s old enough to drive now. Then they were all off.

Back in my house, the betta I had in the kitchen died overnight for no obvious reason, so I brought out the test kit and went through everything I could test. For some reason I’ve always had really acidic water, but I think the nitrates are what ultimately done her in.

When the girls got back from lunch with their father, I met them at my parents’ house so Summer and I could eat. They all went swimming for a bit while I ran home to start cleaning up in preparation for a new air conditioner and furnace installation tomorrow. Since there weren’t any other large critters in the aquarium, I did a huge 80% water change to prepare it for the new shrimp. Summer stopped by to help move the kayaks across the garage, and I completed clearing a path to the furnace. All throughout the day, I fought with my portable A/C unit because it kept filling up with water, so I’m particularly excited to have a working central unit after tomorrow.

The girls came back over in the evening, and we went to my parents’ house for dinner. We were there for a while before heading back to their house for the evening. I’m not super thrilled to go back to work tomorrow, but I’ve got to spend some time there moving in to the new office if I can only break away from group non-work for a day.

I’m likely to freeze out the house after tomorrow.